Sunday, January 13, 2019
Lord of the Flies Essay
Statement Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the pursuit will prove beyond the bum of a doubt that the defendant, cocksucker Merridew, is censurable of two counts of murder. We will lay down that Mr. Merridew was richly accountable for the deaths of Simon and gross when the boys were stranded on an island with reveal adult supervision. We will tell that dump quickly became a sadistic fauna who desired that the rules and law of natures of civilization did not apply to him. He constantly fought against and disobeyed Ralph who was the democratic in aloney elected loss leader of the boys.He valued killing in a higher place all other doivities and constantly es sound out to convince the other boys to ascertain him and not listen to Ralph. Although the circumstances surrounding Simons death were accidental, the prose condenseion will demo that jacklights doings caused the boys to come as killers. dogshit ru lead his boys through misgiving and he made them follow hi m because they believed that he could protect them. We will show that red cent knew that the beast was not literal but he pretended it was so that all the boys would continue to be dismayed. one(a) of tinkers damns strategies to make the boys come up braver was that he created the death strengthen, kill the beast, cut his throat, spill his blood. Also labourer created the leap where a boy pretended to be a pig while all the other boys stood around him and pretended to peter him to death. It was in the middle of this crazed bound that Simon stumbled out from the jungle and all the boys pretermit upon him and killed him. The criminal prosecution will also fork up evidence that shows that manual laborer was responsible for(p) for piggishs death. Shortly after the boys crashed, cocksucker broke Piggys eye render making Piggy even more than helpless than he already was. thusly Jack raided Ralphs camp and steal Piggys glass. This final act was a death sentence for Pigg y because without his specs he could not debate the rock tumbling down the circle towards him that killed him. The prosecution will also show that from the very beginning Jacks hatred of Piggy influenced all the boys. Jack hated Piggy because Piggy was fatness and physically weak. Jack believed in the law of the jungle, which states that only the strong survive. Jack makes up the chant kill the pig and this chant always causes the boys to be frenzied, crazed, unthinking savages. eliminate the pig could be seen as creation close to kill the piggy so its not a confusion when Piggy is finally killed. Piggy wants Ralph to pillow the leader because he knows that he is saved and wont be smart by Jack as enormous as Ralph is the leader. When Piggy is killed, Ralph is no overnight the leader and after Piggy dies Jack screams thats what youll get and he throws his cock at Ralph. Questions for Witnesses Ralph 1. When Jack threw his spear at you and then catched you, did you think th at he was going to kill you? 2. Were you numb of Jack? 3. Was Jack a bully? surface-to-air missile and Eric 1.Did Jacks boys ever in conscionableice you? 2. Were you afraid of Jack? 3. When Jack kidnapped you and tie you up did you want to be component of his commonwealth? Piggys aunty 1. How well could Piggy see without his glaze? 2. If Piggy had been wearing his specs could he reach seen the rock coming towards him and gotten out of the way? 3. Since Jack stole his glasses do you believe that Jack is responsible for Piggys death? naval Officer 1. When you arrived on the beach what was Ralph doing? 2. How did all the boys look? 3. Do you think that they were contend a game or was the hunt real? Roger 1. What do you admire close to Jack? 2.When you chargeed the rock down the jam and killed Piggy how did you feel? 3. When you were torturing Wilfred and surface-to-air missile and Eric did you believe that this was wrong? Jacks Parents 1. Did Jack ever get in trouble at sc hool for beingness a bully? 2. When Jack contend with other boys what kinds of games did he like to embolden? 3. Did Jack ever steal anything? Percival 1. Were you afraid of Jack? 2. Why did you choose to reefer Jacks nation? 3. Do you think that Ralph or Jack was the mend leader? Maurice 1. Why did you choose to go with Jack to steal Piggys glasses? 2. Why didnt you just ask Piggy if you could borrow his glasses?How did you feel when you knocked over the littluns sandcastles? Robert 1. When you pretended to be the pig, were you hurt? 2. Were you afraid during this activity? 3. Were you afraid of Jack? Closing Statement Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, we believe that the constitution has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the defendant, Jack Merridew, is a sadistic bully without conscience or regard for the laws and appropriate manner that are part of civilized society. Jack chose to be a savage execrable on this island. He disobeyed Ralphs rules that provided mental synthesis and order.Ralph was the elected leader and Jack measuredly broke away from this group and organise his own tribe of savage hunters. He ruled this group through fear and physical violence. The boys of Jacks tribe paid no attention to ethics or good behavior. They simply did what they valued to do and never stopped to say to themselves, Is this a good way to move? or is this right? From the beginning Jack was a boy who was obsessed with hunt club and killing pigs. Then he became a complete savage and the sport of chase pigs became boring. He needed more frenzy so he invented the sport of run and killing human beings.You the jury have the responsibility to render a verdict of guilty for two counts of murder. Jack is responsible for the deaths of Simon and Piggy. It is true that he did not push the rock down the mountain that killed Piggy. further he was responsible for creating a tribe of boys who no longer had good virtuous behavior and who didnt value human l ife. It is true that Jack alone that Jack did not kill Simon. But he was responsible for creating the frenzied crazed behavior through his chant and dance that led to Simons death. Jack is guilty of murder. The prosecution rests.
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