
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A Common Thread Essay -- essays research papers fc

A Common ThreadWe as a federation are surrounded by life, as we k right away it each day. never stopping to look round and absorb what is going on around us. Our surroundings pass us by and we never take a glimpse at what those surroundings may hold. Our society presses forward without feeling over their shoulder to see where we have been. Without acknowledging our present horticulture and study our culture in the past, where are we going? Studying Clifford Geertz, Patricia Limerick, John Wideman, and Ralph Waldo Emerson has make it easier for me to answer my own question. These four authors of varying expertise tied unitedly a common thread called culture.Clifford Geertz in his essay Deep romp brought us the world of cockfighting in Bali. In this essay he portrays the culture of our present American society through the use of the Balinese cockfight. Amazingly abundant Geertz used what some would call a primitive culture to return us the aspects of our culture and the role these aspects play in our culture. Social structure, family, tradition, and silver are just a few of the aspects brought out by Geertz that control our present society. Geertz sums up our culture when he states, Their life, as they arrange it and dig it, is less aflow, a directional movement out of the past, throughthe present, toward the future than an on-off pulsationof meaning and vacuity, an arrhythmic alternation of short periods when something (that is, something significant) is happening and every bit short ones wherenothing (that is, nothing much) is- between what theythemselves call full and overturn times, or, in anotheridiom, junctures and holes (387).Patricia Limerick in her essay Empire of Innocence undecided many ot... ... the effectiveness list would be John Widemans Our Time. Wideman continues edifice on all the other authors information by showing us how the rules that have been established for culture apply to family, race, and the search of happiness.Cons idering the facts that the essays discussed here were written at different times and encompass several(a) subjects, we have torn them into pieces and used the pieces to complete one grow. Upon completion of the puzzle, we now have a picture of culture. Furthermore, the essays have given us a common thread that we can now use to tie our puzzle pieces together. This common thread is our culture.Works CitedEmerson, Ralph Waldo. The American Scholar. Rpt. in Ways of Reading.fifth Ed. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 1999. 304.Geertz, Clifford. Deep Play. Rpt. in Ways of Reading. 5th Ed. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky. Boston Bedford/St. Martins,1999. 387.

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