
Monday, February 11, 2019

Adolescents and Sleep-Deprivation: Should High School Classes Start La

Seventeen-year-old Jilly Dos Santos (a student of Rock Bridge High School) struggled either morning to be at nurture for 750 a.m. move to put on makeup, skipping breakfast, and being tardy was common for Jilly. I go out dieI will drop out of school claimed Jilly when she rear out that the school board was considering moving the start of the school day 30 minutes earlier (Hoffman 2). Jilly became a sleep activist because she knew that, biologically, adolescents go to bed and wake up later. Mary Carskadon, considered to be an expert on sleep and circadian rhythms of adolescents, claims that adolescents should receive about 9 hours of sleep a night (Onyper). Many students suffer from sleep-deprivation due to alterations in the peak times of melatonin production, a hormone directly involved in sleepiness, and personal schedules, which affects the organic structure in various ways (Nathan). For example, sleep-deprivation lowers levels of leptin, which is the main hormone involved in the regulation of appetite, thus increasing the chance of overeating (Spiegel). It also increases the chances of picture and affects the levels of cortisol, a toxic hormone induced by stress (Bergland). I believe that classes for 13-21 year-olds should start later because it would result in adolescents sleeping more, do better in school, and reduce health risks. Based on turn up that adolescents need more sleep, psychologists are starting to believe that schools start besides early. Let us say that a school starts classes at 730a.m. Students would have to wake up around 6 in localize to have the time necessary to get dressed, eat breakfast, and make it to school by 730. In order for adolescents to get at least(prenominal) 9 hours of sleep, they would have to go to ... ...014Hoffman, Jan. To Keep Teenagers Alert, Schools Let Them Sleep In. refreshed York Times. 13 Mar 2014 n.p. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.Nathan, Nila, and Jamie Zeitzer. A Survey Study Of The crosstie Between Mob ile Phone Use And Daytime Sleepiness In California High School Students. BMC Public Health 13.1 (2013) 1-5. schoolman seek Complete. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.Oynper, Serge. Class Start Times, Sleep, and Academic Performance in College A Path Analysis. Chronobiology International. 15.1 (2012) 318-324. EBSCO. Web. 4th Feb. 2014.Pejovic, Slobodanka, et al. Leptin And Hunger Levels In Young Healthy Adults later One Night Of Sleep Loss. Journal Of Sleep Research 19.4 (2010) 552-558. Academic Search Complete. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.Spiegel, Karine. The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Hormones and Metabolism. Medscape.org. n.p. fantastic 2005. Web. 13 April 2014.

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