
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Charles Dickens - Depiction of the Hard Lives of Children :: European Literature

Every author has a certain theme to only of their novels, no matter how different they may be wholeness force out always see several(prenominal)thing within a figment that links to other one of the authors stories. The themes are besides different for each author, some creation happiness where the characters make good luck, while other novels are sadder, and have darker themes to them. One author who has a darker theme that is connected through his books is Charles monster the theme that can be found in most of his novels is one where the main character is mostly a child and they are dismissal through a sound time in their life, but how he knew intimately the hard lives of children has been wondered about before and there is proof that he either had done research on it or experienced the oppressiveness himself in his own life.Great Expectations was written in the 1800s and has escalated to the point of being one of Dickens most well-known novels. In the novel the main c haracter, Pip, is a child whose parents had died when he was younger. So he is forced to live with his senior(a) sister, Dickens gives the impression that Pips sister actually hates her younger brother she also beats him repeatedly with The Tickler when she sees that he has been disobedient. The only friend he truly has at the beginning is Mr. Joe, his sisters husband who is also oppressed by his wife. Even Mrs. Joes friends oppresses Pip when they all come over for dinner, talking about him as if he doesnt exist or that he isnt there. As the story goes on he receives word that he will be direct to Miss Havishams house to play. Pips life changes throughout the story, the boy getting some good fortunes and some bad ones as well. (Dickens, 1999)Another one of Dickens to a greater extent famous stories in which the child character goes through a hard life is Oliver Twist. In this novel the boy, Oliver, is an orphan who is raised in a corrupt environment until he met his aunt. His mot her had died when she was giving birth so he had no relatives other than his aunt. The orphanage he had lived at was abusive, and after asking for more food one time he was exchange to an abusive man. He eventually ran away and joined

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