
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Information Systems and Services Essay -- Essays Papers

information Systems and ServicesQuestion 1Components of an Information SystemHardw ar at that place argon three types of hardware technology - mainframes, minicomputers and personal computers.Mainframes The mainframe computer is a very powerful machine designed for large-scale entropy bear upon activities. These computers have steadily declined over the last 20 years payable to their size, cost of operation and maintenance.Minicomputers The minicomputer is often referred to as a server. It has the ability to invite net engageing, speed and power. These computers can be programmed and are much much synergetic as well as more user friendly. Although they are soundless expensive (though not as expensive as the mainframe) they are upgradeable.Microcomputers The microcomputer is leafy vegetablely known as the PC (personal computer). It is most commonly utilise as a desktop computer intended for office or home use. These machines can be placed in fixed locations and affilia ted to peripherals such as printers, scanners and so on The microcomputer is easily upgraded, fairly garish to upgrade-repair and components can be easily fitted or re carry ond.Software The most common piece of software associated with an information system is a database. Information is accessed by means of a database management system, which is defined as one or more computer programs that provide allow the user to enter, store, organise, manipulate and retrieve data from the database.Data - Data is derived from both internal and immaterial sources and whilst most external data is readily usable and concrete forms e.g. Bank statements, purchase invoices etc. Data is a unremarkable by product of some routine essential operation such as the production of an invoice or alternatively a special numerate. Data are facts obtained by reading, observing, counting and measuring, which are then recorded.Personnel Information systems personnel usually formulate in their own departme nt (I.S. Department), which employs computer programmers, systems analysts, computer operators etc. They whitethorn also work in incompatible functional departments or areas in a support capacity.The skills required by these personnel will hold technical skills, written and verbal communication skills, an understanding of the organisation that they work for and the ability to work with other people.The information systems department has three primar... ...mmediately on hand(predicate) or delayed. The information should be available when needed. If it is supplied too late it will be of no use. It is also important that information is communicated through the coiffure channels so that it arrives at its destination clear and understood.Question 3INFORMATION FLOWS WITHIN THE SYSTEM.Internal - The internal flows of a system are the data or paper work that is sent internally to other departments within an organisation i.e. making and receiving orders, sending invoices and memos etc . It also helps the different departments to communicate effectively with each other.External - The external flows of information are to whom the organisation is accountable e.g. the government for taxes, suppliers for payment, shareholders for dividends, financial institutions for deposits or withdrawals etc. electronic - The electronic flows within the system can be anyaffair that requires technology to move data around e.g. e-mail, fax, network messages within a LAN or WAN, bar code scanners, swipe machines etc.Hardcopy - A hardcopy is any thing that is received which is paper based e.g. invoices, purchase order, statements and received faxes.

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